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Regulations for admission 2025

1. General information:
The Haflinger World Show is an event organised by the Haflinger Horse Breeding Association Tyrol (HPT) in cooperation with the Haflinger World Breeding and Sports Association (HWZSV). By resolution of the HWZSVGeneral Assembly on 01.10.2023, the organisation and staging of the Haflinger World Show was transferred to the Haflinger Horse Breeding Association Tyrol.

2. Organiser and venue:
The organiser is the Haflinger Horse Breeding Association Tyrol, Schlossallee 27 - 29 in A-6341 Ebbs.
The venue is the Haflinger Stud Fohlenhof in Ebbs, also Schlossallee 27 - 29 in A-6341 Ebbs. Event date: from 29 May to 01 June 2025.
3. Type of event: This is a breeding show for horses of the Haflinger breed. The horses will be presented in hand and judged individually. It is at the organiser's discretion to record and present collections, generation sequences etc.

4. Invitation to tender:
The invitation to tender will be published in the trade magazines "Haflinger Pferde" and "Haflinger Info" and on the internet at and Furthermore, the invitation to tender will besent digitally to all member organisations of the HWZSV.

5. Eligible Haflinger horses:
Haflinger horses registered in the stud book of member organisations of the HWZSV are eligible to participate.Licensed Haflinger stallions aged three and four years. Licensed Haflinger stallions from the age of five with a positive stallion performance test (HLP as a 30-day station test). Haflinger young mares aged between one and three years. Haflinger mares with foals at foot. Haflinger mares without foals.

6. Number of show horses:
Each member organisation is allocated a quota of show horses in proportion to the corresponding population of Haflinger breeding horses. If the agreed quota is not used up by a participating organisation, the vacant places will be divided up. The maximum upper limit is set at 600 show horses.

7. Registration and team leader:
Horses are registered directly with the organiser by the member organisations. A copy of the horse passport with proof of at least six previous generations must be enclosed with the registration. In the case of pregnant mares, the sire of the foal must be stated. For stallions aged five years and older, the result of the stallion performance test must been closed. Each member organisation must nominate a "team leader" to officially represent the respective organisation.
The following deadlines are specified and must be adhered to without exception:
Number and naming of horses and owners per nation by 28 February 2025. Nomination by name from the team leader(s) by 28 February 2025.

8. Nomination of the participating horses:
All participating horses must be inspected or nominated in advance by authorised persons of the respective member organisation.

9. Assessment of the horses:
All show horses will be judged individually by a commission at the show triangle - the judging commission will be made up of nationally recognised breed judges appointed by the HWZSV.
For every 30 show horses, one breeding judge is nominated and invited by the organiser, i.e. a total of 20 breeding judges divided between five presentation triangles.
The horses are judged according to the 11-point scoring system. The procedure and mode is supervised by the "Show Management", which consists of the President of the HWZSV and one representative each from ANACHRAI Italy and ARGE Haflinger Austria. The classes are ranked in the main ring (arena) and the respective winners, reserve winners and second reserve winners are determined. From these, the World Champion and World Reserve Champion are chosen in five categories:

o World Champion Stallion Breeding Stallion
o World champion stallion breeding stallion young
o World Champion Broodmare
o World Champion Broodmare Young
o World Youth Winner
o National winner

10. Entry fee:
The entry fee per show horse is € 300, which includes the start, stable and roughage fees. For HPT members in the Tyrol region, the entry fee is € 250, as they are required to perform work during the event as well as in the preparation and follow-up work. It is possible to book accident insurance for show horses (see point 11 Liability and insurance) which is activated via the "Entry fee plus" for the respective horse (entry fee € 300,- plus insurance premium € 30,- = entry fee plus € 330,-) The entry fee must be paid in full by the respective organisation directly to the organiser by 28.03.2025 at the latest. The registration is only valid after receipt of the entry fee, later registrations can no longer be considered. In the event of non-participation or cancellation after 01.04.2025, the entry fee will not be refunded.

11. Liability and insurance:
11.1 Limitation of liability:
Participation is exclusively at your own risk and peril. The organiser assumes that every owner has "animal owner's liability insurance" for their horses, which is liable for damage caused by the animal to third parties or property. The organiser accepts no liability whatsoever for people, animals and/or property and is only liable for gross negligence.We therefore recommend that every animal owner takes out appropriate animal insurance for participating horses for the duration of the event as well as for direct transport to and from the event.

11.2 Animal insurance for participating horses (insurance cover):
The following insurance cover can be booked via the "Entry fee plus" (+ € 30,- / horse).
-Death (perishing and emergency killing) as a result of:

Death (perishing and emergency killing) as a result of:

  • AccidentTransport accidentsFire
  • Transport accidents
  • Fire, explosion, lightning strike
  • Theft, robbery, slaughter with intent to steal

Permanent unfitness for riding and driving as well as permanent unfitness for breeding as a result of

  • Accident Transport accidentsFire, explosion, lightning strikeTheft, robbery, slaughter with intent to steal
  • Transport accidents
  • Fire, explosion, lightning strike
  • robbery, slaughter with intent to steal


  • Death (perishing or emergency killing): full sum insured;
  • Unfit for riding, driving and unfit for breeding: 80% of the sum insured;
  • Unfit for riding, driving and fit for breeding: 80% of the difference in animal value before and after unfit for riding and driving;
  • Unfit for breeding and usable as a riding and driving horse: 80% of the difference in animal value before and after unfitness for breeding;
  • Theft / robbery / slaughter with thieving intent: Full sum insured;

The sum insured for stallions is limited to € 12,000 and for mares to € 7,000. limited. Foals (up to the age of 12 months) are automatically insured for a lump sum of €1,000. are automatically insured with the respective mare.
The insurance cover is valid from 27.05 - 02.06.2025.

12. Accommodation for the horses:
All horses will be accommodated in boxes! The mares will be accommodated in tent stables, divided according to nation. Stallions are accommodated in their own stables.
Exhibiting horses is at your own risk and peril! We would like to point out already now that all stable tents and stables are closed at night from 22:00 to 06:00 and are also not accessible to horse owners or their authorised representatives - this is for the welfare of the horses!

13. Arrival and departure:
When delivering horses, the Regulation on the protection of animals during transport VO (EG)1/2005 must be observed. For horses originating outside Austria, a TRACES certificate or a health certificate in accordance with Annex II of Directive 2009/156/EC is required. The exhibitor bears the costs for travelling to and from the show. Due to thestrict veterinary regulations, arrival is possible on Tuesday, 27 May 2025 and Wednesday, 28 May 2025 from 10:00 to 20:00. No horses can be delivered outside these times without exception! Departure is possible on Sunday, 01 June 2025 after the end of the event at approx.15:00 and must take place by Monday, 02 June 2025 at 12:00 at the latest.

14. Veterinary regulations and farriery:
The event will be monitored by the provincial and district veterinary authorities through the presence of anofficialveterinarian. Horses showing signs of illness will not be admitted to the event without exception - they may not be brought onto the exhibition grounds.
All participating horses require:

Up-to-date vaccination against equine influenza (EIV): At least 1st and 2nd basic immunisation at intervals of 4 - 6 weeks, whereby the 2nd vaccination must not be less than 8 days old and not older than 6 months.

Up-to-date immunisation against herpes virus abortion (EHV 1 and EHV 4): At least 1st and 2nd basic immunisation at intervals of 4 - 6 weeks, whereby the 2nd vaccination must not be less than 8 days old and not older than 6 months.
Additional requirement for horses not travelling from Austria: Entry exclusively with a TRACES "EQUI-INTRA-IND" veterinary certificate for equidae valid for 30 days in accordance with Article 92/2/a of Regulation (EU) 2020/688 (place of dispatch = place of destination, authorisesreturn to the stated holding of departure within the period of validity)

Proof of a Coggins test (EIA) with a negative result (presentation of the findings and/or entry in the equine passport -valid for 1 year) The horse / equine passport must be handed in at the entrance to the event site. Aveterinary entry check will also be carried out here. Under no circumstances may horses be shod on the rear hooves. Horses that are also shod on the hind hooves will be rejected at the entry check!

15. Boundary definitions:
The provisions required for crossing the border into Austria will be communicated separately to the horse owners concerned.

16. Additional provisions:
Photography and filming are only permitted for private use. Selected press representatives and photographers will beaccredited. Each exhibitor declares his consent that he or his representatives and his horses may be depicted in photos, videos, digital and social media (GDPR regulations). The publication rights are held exclusively by HPT.
Smoking is prohibited in all stables, tent stables and halls without exception. Dogs must be kept on a lead throughout the exhibition grounds - we kindly ask you to refrain from bringing dogs with you.
Camping is expressly prohibited on the entire exhibition grounds.
The organiser reserves the right to exercise its domiciliary rights if necessary.
Subject to changes and additions!