New elections at the Tyrolean Haflinger Breeding Association
The new elections for the Tyrolean Haflinger Breeding Association were held on 13 January 2017 during an extraordinary general assembly. The functionaries who were present chose their association representatives for the next five years.
Chairman Lukas Scheiber was unanimously confirmed in his position. In future, he will be joined on the board by the two deputy chairmen Hannes Neuner and Anton Schwärzler. Furthermore, Josef Fuchs and Lothar Zebisch were also re-elected to the board. New to the board is Elisabeth Leitner, who takes the place of Georg Bramböck. During the course of the elections, the committee members of the breeding, sport and economic committees were also selected, as well as two treasurers.
The spokesman of the breeding committee is breeding manager Hannes Neuner, who will be supported in future by Thomas Kirschner, Romed Posch and Lothar Zebisch. Lothar Zebisch will also lead the sport committee, which also includes Erwin Gehrer, Roland Krause, Hermann Pfister and Sarah Zöttl. The new spokeswoman of the economic committee is Elisabeth Leitner, who will also have Hermann Eigentler, Romana Painer and Josef Walter on her team. The future treasurers will be Tina Dengg and Klaus Kurz.
The Tyrolean Haflinger Breeding Association congratulates all newly elected functionaries and wishes to take this opportunity to once again thank all of those departing functionaries for their excellent cooperation.