
Tel.: +43 5373 42210

liz.561/T Arkino

Haflinger Breeding stallion

The exterior of the young stallion Arkino has many excellent features. He scores high with a clear basic colour and flowing upper line from the neck, withers, back, haunches up to the hind quarters. His pronounced shoulder section with right-angled connection to the long upper arm with elbow room are among his strengths. His movements are strong, with a lot of diligence and ground coverage in walk; with much momentum and ground coverage in the trot and a strong canter. The stallion’s movement sequences are always rhythmically consistent and correct – a harmonious young stallion with a great future.

liz.561/T Arkino


  • 2017

  • L19887/T Acina-Amanda

  • liz. 471/T Amerigo

  • Familie Neuner, Schwendau

  • 154 cm

  • sold to Germany

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