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The Haflinger stallion Adrin captivates viewers not only with his charisma. He also makes a great impression upon them with his even, harmonious body structure. This includes his expressive head with clear eyes; his pronounced shoulder section and his fine limbs with a correct positioning that makes it possible for him to execute rhythmically consistent movement sequences with plenty of diligence and momentum. His strength of character and poise make Adrin a reliable partner in many areas of equestrian sports – a stallion who passes on his nobility.
EL 17013/T Happy
Zebisch Lothar, Imst
150 cm
Adrin – Alpenstein – Archimedes – Agra
liz.471/T Adrin has great nobility, combined with charisma and a fine fundament, with expansive movements. This combination is also reflected in his progeny, promising successful continued breeding with this stallion reared by Lothar Zebisch in Imst, from the quality mare PE17013/T Happy and the stallion liz.150/T Alpenstein.