liz.600/T Achilles
Haflinger Breeding stallion
A perfectly fitting short description of the stallion Achilles is: Highly modern, expressive, noble and equipped with extreme movement potential. Furthermore, the large-framed young stallion from the A-line has a favourable neck with a lot of lightness in the neck, an excellent front section with pronounced withers and well-positioned shoulders with connection to the long upper arm. well-positioned shoulders with connection to the long upper arm. Achilles' walk is always pure and sure-footed with movement through the whole body and plenty of scope. The trot is light-footed, energetic, with a lot of impulsion from the hindquarters and maximum scope. His canter is full-bodied, balanced and with a visible uphill tendency.
19882/T Armanda
Haflinger Pferdezuchtverband Tirol
153 cm
Winner stallion selection 2024